Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blood Muh ha ha ha haaaaaaa

Blood Muh ha ha ha haaaaaaa
Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS
Ben had some fun eating some fresh Venison I shot over the weekend. He likes it best ala tar-tar like his Dad and his Dad and on and on. Then it was straight to a bath to wash off all the blood before it dried. We really like to teach our children that just because an animal was shot for the meal no point in not having a little fun in honor of its life. Ben and Lainey love Deers.

Lainey is now sleeping only half swaddled and can usually fall asleep in the crib rather than having to be soothed into sleep by Shawn or me before she can be snuk into the mobile crib. believe me that is HUGE.

The crib is mobile because she doesn't have her own room. When she is in the same room as Ben, Ben wakes her up. He moans, coughs, farts, and screams. All the things his mother does minus the snoring. Once in a while he gets up in his crib and feeds his stuffed puppies. It is not the feeding that is loud it is the talking to them. I think he would normally sign to them but it is dark therefore he can't get his point across to them to eat quietly.

Video: Ben Balloons and Blood

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Red Sox Clinch Suppah

Red Sox Clinch Suppah
Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS
BoSox clinched a playoff berth yesterday so Shawn decided that we should all go out and celebrate. She took us to the Wallingford Olympic house of pizza and red sauce. It was delish.

Lainey is starting some light sleep training. We are leaving her arms out of the swaddle and trying to get her more in the crib than in the swing. So far we have had mixed results. She cries for a bit when she goes down then winds down and sleeps, once Ben is in the room we start biting nails. Last night around midnight Ben coughed and woke her up. She finished the night after a 5 am feed in the swing. It is time for a portable crib to counter the fact that we only have one bedroom for both the littleuns.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Fan - Pop Pop

The Fan
Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS
This one I call The Fan. As you can see this fan has his official Seattle Mariners fleece on and his official beer and personal pizza as he sits up in the sub-nosebleeds.

So as you can probably guess we went to the Tampa-Bay game last night. I must say it was pathetic. The starting pitcher Ramerez didn't make it out of the first and gave up 4-5 runs before he left. He sucked and the crowd let him know that as he left the field with a huge sarcastic applause. Things never really improved after that. The Mariners bats have been quiet for at least 2 weeks and our pitching is all AA level.

I could go on and on but it is really hard to believe they are only 5.5 back from the Wildcard.

Mr Mary

Mr Mary
Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS
We have this game with Ben that when he gets out of the tub, we wrap him up in the towel as if it was a habit. He is then greeted by myself or Mom in the living room "Its Mary! Hi Mary, oh please bless us Mary. He likes it and will keep pulling the towel around his head if it slips down.

Friday, September 14, 2007

pond fern

pond fern
Originally uploaded by Spappy.joneS
Here is another shot from the wedding last weekend. It was a beautiful place that Josh's new inlaws have out there. This shot pond was just in back of there house (man made pond).

Just watched the worst game the sox had all year and it was against the Yanks. They blew a 5 one lead and allowed 6 runs to score in the 8th then lost it by a run. The lenght of the game was 2 minutes short from setting the all time MLB game length. The record was 4:45 tonights game was 4:43. The teams that played for the record was none other than the Sox and Stanks.

The latest game in the AM ever played occurred this year between the Tigers and the Stanks. There was a hour rain delay and the game started at 11 pm and went until 3:30 am. I watched until 3 am which was only 12 am here in the PST

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Foze and Ben picking flower favs at Josh's "wedding"

Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS
Josh had his ring ceremony this weekend out at his wife's parents house in Snohomish Washingtion. Sweet sweet grounds out there with big trees and real well kept gardens. I could have photographed that all day.

The booked photographer had to bail for some reason, better offer probably and I was asked to assume the job. I did my best. The experience was actually very educational. For a first timer I think I did OK but shooting a wedding is quite stressful, takes high levels of focus and a plan to get the results needed. I could completely see how crappy some of the business ends could be with the Bride if she didn't get the shots she wanted or was just not happy. My advice is get the money up front. I got no money just free food and cokes.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Watching PBS Sprout and Montana prt 2

Watching PBS Sprout
Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS
All of the movies have been moved to the Microsoft version of YouTube for your enjoyment. I haven't updated all the links to the working movies in the blog but I did all of the latest ones so they will work.

In the process of looking for a solution to my movie streaming issue (see the blog below) I found some lost tape of our second part of the summer Montana trip we took. It is long but it features Ben around Grandma and Pop pop's house.

My favorite part is giving Ben his piano lesson. He shows a lot of natural ability if he can get over his stage fright of the large crowd this prodigy draws.

Video: 7-24-2007 Montana vacation prt 2