Monday, August 29, 2005

Montana Slate Patio and Digger

Here is a shot of the flagstones we layed yesterday prior to the t-storm that dropped the temps 15-20 degrees in less than an hour. THe sheets of rain really cleaned up the stone faces and we like what we see. Diggs could give a care he is waiting for Fosie to pick him up for the daily trip out with the pack

Dumping sand latenight

Dumping sand latenight
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Drew and Fosie satisfied with meeting the daily commitments of work progress.

Off loading 4 tons of flagstone

Fosie and Chisholm helping out with emptying the Ford 550. Drew and I went about 30 miles out of town to a rock yard and bought two 2 ton pallets of light and dark Montana Slate Flagstones. With four guys the off loading was not nearly as bad as we thought it would be. It went fast enough to still get 2 loads of sand and gravel before the dirt yard closed up in Shoreline.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

grass gone patio going in

grass gone patio going in
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Shot of the front tonight, the patio is going in. Drew and I stripped the sod off wenesday, gradeded all of thurday (sucked) and dug drainage ditch and formed the shape of the deal tonight. Using Montana slate for flagstone. I need to cipher the demintions now must go.

more crib

more crib
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Here is a full room shot. I built the dresser Shawn bought at IKEA two weekends ago. There were lots of parts and fasteners but the instructions were perfect. Also I had excatly the perfect amount of parts no surplus nor excess.


Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Here is the bookcase Becky and Chish gave us filled with books and toys for the ungin on his way in the next 2 weeks and a few days. He is already spoiled in my opinion.


Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Shawn did some killer work tonight dialing in Ben's room. Looks fantastic with all the nice gifts everyone keep sending. Thanks for all the great baby items.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Merc sniper in Iraq

You guys may have seen this one but thought I would send it.

Great background events told here by an anonymous source: ''The 5-man Blackwater crew that was assinged to CPA Najaf were coming under heavy small arms and mortar fire, the city was being taken over by insurgents. The police stations and hospitals were taken over as well, after a day of fighting off hundreds of insurgents the city had been completely overrun, with the CPA in the heart of the city and no way out.The Team called up to Baghdad and reported the situation, they said they needed immediate extract which Gen Sanchez also denied due to the fact the city had been overrun and there were no US troops there, only contractors. Well, Ambassador Bremer was pissed at Sanchez and I remember being on office watch during the massive arguments! Ambassador Bremer and our Baghdad TM Leader got together and Bremer said ''I don't want another Bridge hanging! Get those boys out of there by any means nessassary!'' so 12 of us -- 6 pilots and 6 gunners loaded as much as we could in 3 MD530 little birds and headed 70 miles south. we flew in the first day and blind (no comms, and no intel on the heat) to try a resupply, land find out was was going on and then head back, rearm and get ready to go again. Well that night all hell broke lose and we flew back in. Over 1000 insurgents (reported by the F18 pilots) had taken the city and now wanted the CPA after a day of intense fighting by 11 BW guys, airstrikes, a handfull of Marines and 1 sniper we were able to hold them off. After it DIED down and gunships and SF guys finally started to roll in the battle was soon over and we the CPA was saved.That's pretty much it in a nut shell...''

Saturday, August 13, 2005

up late

gave my self a summer save. nothing in the fridge, everyone is in bed. shawn was out with some friends, I dropped off powertool at chiz, with nate, had a beer with mike, digger fought with fritz, I need a shower to wash off the haircut. bye

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

D-Rew and M

D-Rew and M
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
These two are our friends and across the street neighbors with their dog gus. I didn't take any of digger because he was being a little shit this weekend. Constantly running away if not on leash. Fosie couldn't even call him back and he is a dog whisper and sometimes a dog yeller.

Cheese plate that ruined my app.

This was the killer cheese plate with grapes and bread we started the night off with up on our borrowed island house. I ate to much of it and barely made it to the 6th course of Dungeness crab and local oysters and spot prawns. Needless to say I slept very well that night.