Saturday, June 30, 2007

Mr. Tired and Ms. Unhappy (from Gangie's photos)

Here is a shot of me and my lady eLaine. We had a real rough night last night together. Probably the worst, both Shawn and I were right at the breaking point. Sometimes when you get your ass kicked like that it does strange things to your mind. Clears all the other petty garbage housed in there and simplifies things.

I have been complaining about the colic our little blessing has like it is the worst thing in the world. That is really how I felt unfortunately. Today I was reminded how trivial it really is. I thought about some of the friends we have and the issues they have with their little ones. They really make colic seem like a good thing to have to deal with rather than many other conditions that can strike infants. So I want to apologize to those friends if they read this. I am sorry I lost perspective on the entire picture. I have seen and heard about what you are going through.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hey Babe

Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS
Great comment from Em left on our flickr site....

achnacroish says:

So, Babe, it's been kind of noisy around here with the new Sis and the colic, yah know ... so was wondering if you'd like to meet me tonight for drinks - - - - some place quiet - how does the Four Seasons sound? Will have to sneak out of the crib and the bedroom window, so I'll just meet you there. May bring Digger for proctection - we'll save him a bone. Wear that backless red dress I like, okay?
Chaou - Big Ben
Posted 16 hours ago. ( permalink | delete )

Saturday, June 16, 2007

My last post was on June 3rd? Interesting, that was right around when Shawn's Mom left. Having 3 on two coverage helps tons. That way I can go hide in the garage or oil door hinges in the basement, critical stuff that must be taken care of. Rumor has it that Barb and Tom may be returning next week sometime. We honestly miss them, the extra hands are more than welcome and most of all "Misery loves company."
(Wallingford) June 16th, Just when you thought things couldn't get worse
One of the last things you feel like doing when you have some downtime is to update your blog, your mind is instanly on other things, generally sleep or completing work you were unable to do because your mind is impaired from interrupted sleep patterns for 5+ weeks. We keep thinking that "Today is the worse day yet" then the following day is worse.
I have some advice to give parents out there that think their infant may have colic. If you are wondering if your child has colic - it doesn't. Here is the best site I have read on the colic topic. Naturally it was given to me from the Healy's who have earned the colic combat badge.
The camera is out and I intend to snap some shots today, I keep getting messages urging me to update the flickr site with fresh photos of Elaine. I will try. Perhaps I can even get some great colic footage, maybe a time lapse of a big colic wave that lasts 9-12 hours.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

grandma, ben and little lainey

Ben's and Elaine's Grandma Barb left a couple days ago. She came out for a week to do all the work. Grandpa Tom had to stay home and work so it was her first solo since I have been in the picture. Grandma help out a tremendous amount and both the little ones and the bigger ones were very happy to have her presence in the house. We were all sad that she had to go back to work but such is life.

The colic seems a bit better or we are just getting used to it. Shawn was up with Laine from 2 to 6 last night. She had slept all day (Laine) and didn't really seem to want to sleep last night and remained fussy fussy fussy.

Ben is still doing great with the transition. He is cracking us up all the time with his silly antics which is nice to have every now and again. He always wants to be outside doing things, driving, sweeping, hosing, etc. When he is not doing that he is inside walking the house or wanting to have a book read to him. He is a great son. Got to run my shift is about to begin upstairs.