Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blood Muh ha ha ha haaaaaaa

Blood Muh ha ha ha haaaaaaa
Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS
Ben had some fun eating some fresh Venison I shot over the weekend. He likes it best ala tar-tar like his Dad and his Dad and on and on. Then it was straight to a bath to wash off all the blood before it dried. We really like to teach our children that just because an animal was shot for the meal no point in not having a little fun in honor of its life. Ben and Lainey love Deers.

Lainey is now sleeping only half swaddled and can usually fall asleep in the crib rather than having to be soothed into sleep by Shawn or me before she can be snuk into the mobile crib. believe me that is HUGE.

The crib is mobile because she doesn't have her own room. When she is in the same room as Ben, Ben wakes her up. He moans, coughs, farts, and screams. All the things his mother does minus the snoring. Once in a while he gets up in his crib and feeds his stuffed puppies. It is not the feeding that is loud it is the talking to them. I think he would normally sign to them but it is dark therefore he can't get his point across to them to eat quietly.

Video: Ben Balloons and Blood


At 8:45 AM, Blogger Shawn said...

Oh, that's rich. =)


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