Alley and a movie from the back of the boat.
I like this one. It is in Chinatown.
Here is a film from the back of the Clipper taken during our 2 hour trip up the sound. The file might take a moment to buffer before it will start.
I like this one. It is in Chinatown.
Here is a film from the back of the Clipper taken during our 2 hour trip up the sound. The file might take a moment to buffer before it will start.
Here is the Diggs during his morning routine. After a potty walk he will get in his leather chair and wait until Fosie arrives with the pack and they all head to the mountians, beach or lake. For a furry dog the diggs really likes the sun for some reason. Maybe because they dont get a lot of it in the Scottish highlands.
Window order was delayed, now I need to find some that are in stock that we can install this weekend so I can install the AC units on Sunday.
This is Digger's best friend. His name is Mr. Fritz or Fritzie for short. They like to play and fight, play keep away with bones and toys and run in circles. Mr Fritz is a Westhighland Terrier, very simulair to the Cairn - close relative. Some think the Westie breed was derived from the Cairn or Skye lines.
Here are some costumers in line for the 6:30 showing of Sith last Friday. There were a few of us folks dressed up but over all I was a bit disappointed in the poor turn out. I mean we were less that 3 miles from Microsoft's main campus! My bet it is due to lucas' past two movies in the series fan support is not there. Those movies were terrible.
My org here at work is going to see the latest installment of the Lucas film empire. As you all know I am an obsessed fan with the series. For today's event I decided to try one of the most challenging costumes known of the series. (and I thought the Jar-Jar was tough) The Leia-Jabba bikini. I haven't had time to upload the picture yet of me in my two piece but rest assured everyone really likes it here at the plant albeit it is a little chilly. I hope I win the contest. This costume is tried a lot but rarely mastered. This picture is of Leia in the costume slaying some of Jabba's employees. Here is a picture of my friend that went as Leia to his friend's kid's Christening.
Diggs got his first hair cut the other day. He is looking real cute and trim with his new doo. Not sure if he even knows the difference. The groomer said he was a very good boy.
There were way more sox fans than mariners in the hizzy last night which always makes for a fun time at Sodo field. Typically it is a morge unless there is a visiting team with a fan base in seattle. Mariner fans are a joke as is west coast baseball excluding the dogers.
As well as grammatically in correct verbage. It is going to happen again and again with me because i am doing 100 things at once. Here are some mistakes that I failed to process in the past two posts.
Real sad start with a happy ending. Somebody gave up their 7 pound 4oz infant and this stray that was living in the area found the kid carried it out of the woods, through a barbed wire fence over a busy highway and to some place were she was keeping her puppys. Somehow care workers found the situation a few days later.
Here is my favorite shot of the youngster. It really shows off his look athletic legs - gold medal legs up and over his head. The one below it is a decent profile shot. By clicking on either picture you can view the different sizes by selecting the "all sizes" item above the picture once you are taken to flickr - our photo site.
Flick two
Mother and youngster are both in excellent shape and are expected to meet in mid-september. This is the half way point.
Yesterday afternoon I was walking down the hall somewhere and I am told by a paniced PM that my friend has collapsed in a close by room. I get there and he is on the floor on his side. He had thrown up a little but was breathing and had a decent pulse. As I was approaching the room all the training I have recieved from the Red Cross started processing in my head. Airway - Heartbeat - Shock - etc. Turns out it was a seizure and he regained his wits in a few minuted in time for the EMS to arrive. Even though I didn't use any hard skills gained in training - knowing what to do and not panicing was enough to take control of the situation and the saftey of my friend until the EMS arrived. This is a program they have for businesses to train a lot of people at once - the way to go.
Sunday an enormous mutated cloned cairn terrier escaped from the secret akc cloning laboratories near the Friday harbor vaction spot in Washington State. Dog was last seen panting and begging for whipped cream from beach goers, then things went bad and I got out of there.
Shawn and I were up in the San Juan's this weekend. We were treated to a great show of 20 to 30 adult orcas. I think they were mainly females, didn't see any huge dorsals. Also shot a short film on my casio camera. Complete with sounds of the blows.
Huge news in the world of birding. A bird long though extinct was found this week 100 of miles from where it was last seen.