15 mph on the dry land luge run
We had another lovely spring day here in the Pac NW. The whole family all four of us with the big bun in the oven went up to the park after we got some coffees then we watched Ben train for his Olymipic trials for the single men's luge. Not sure if he has the weight and size to qualify for Vancouver 2010 but his is a hopeful. I think the min. height is something like over 37 inches or taller than mickey mouse figure's raised hand that is at the top of all Olympic luge runs to keep the Jr Olymipcs seeded with contenders.
Shawn is full term as of last week. The Dr said he her it a 50% chance of entering labor prior to the due day of the 9th. So we are both carrying our cel phones and not screening eachother's calls until the blessed event is upon us. Oh yes, as you can see Ben's nose is fully healed is less than a week.