Sunday, April 22, 2007

We were up at Jackie's on the corner and Ben was playing "show me yourbelly" is was super funny

Shawn was busy much of the weekend so it was a lot of me and Ben time. As you can see he dinged up his nose yesterday under my care. But he needs to get used to having a Swift nose. I told him blood from the outside is good, blood from the inside after impact is probably a trip to the thousand dollar photobooth in the ER. He took it well and I think it looks great. It happened while he was playing with digger, Ben was swinging my garden shovel around at digger who was biting the steel blade when Ben took a mini header from his knees.

The movie linked below is of just some fun stuff. Some indoor and some out. I will try to get some footage of Ben in his dryland luge sled. He has a run out on the sidewalk in the front of the house. He certainly already digs speed. Probably time for a helmet. I think the movie is about 5 minutes long so enjoy.

Ben's late April 2007 movie (5 minutes)


At 4:03 PM, Blogger Shawn said...

Yes, please note I was not around for some of this footage. I like it how he is sitting in front of the TV with a plate of food in his lap. Mom would never allow this to happen. But he loves his papa and loves spending time with him so I really can't complain. =)

At 8:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

his poor nose. i think both my kids have had similar injuries. peyton fell out of the back of our pickup once while it was parked in the street, when she was under 2. landed on her face. not one of our stellar parenting moments.

he sure is cute still though. jill


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