Sunday, June 26, 2005

Verdi's Requiem gets pre-empted for 3 lbs of Pork Loin


(modified from a message I just sent my mom)
Actually yesterday afternoon. Andrew our across the street friend and his wife Emily (the one carrying twins) wanted to know if we wanted to come to dinner. Being one to not jump at the drop of the hat on dinner plans over a symphony (using the term lightly because Verdi wrote the piece) he made it a bit more juicy so to speak, "I have a 3 pound Natural Pork Loin from Whole Foods Market that is now marinating (it was around 1 pm). At that point the opera was out the window. Andrew and Em have had us over for filet mingion about 4 weeks ago, that steak blew my mind, I knew this would as well and it did. i asked him what I can bring - dessert. So Shawn and I picked up a multi layer Strawberry laced white cake from the special cake bakery a few blocks over (Simply Desserts). We will have to get one of those cakes for your visit in oct. It was incredible, a great way to finish off the fest. And so goes the Italian opera composer. Even a German or Austrian concert composer may be bumped out for a dinner at Drew and Emily's.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

My father's day present

Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Shawn surprised me with this for the upcoming blessed event. Since we could be deep in a penant race at Ben's time of birth we plan to bring him home in his offical MLB boston red sox onesy uniform. If you are wondering the player on the back it is Manny.

Meadow and Mom

Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Hooked up with some old friends last weekend. They have a new addition to the family, a real cute one and very happy as long as she is near mummah. Isn't she sweet, the camera loves her.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Backyard Barber

Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Fose and I did some DIY hair doos this afternoon during happy hour. We had to put Digger inside becasue he was eating the freshly schorn hair.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


We have some friends that live next door. Near were were used to. They are really fun to hang out with. They remind me of the boys that I grew up with. Very polite, funny and personable. They all have a taste for beer as well, go figure. I have watched several movies with them here and at their house. They give me and digger food off their grill, what more could you ask for in neighbors and friends? Alaskans are the laid back East Coasters of the Westcoast.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Digger as a pup

Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
I cleaned out his ears tonight. He hates me, all tail down and running away when I come near. He is a smart little dog.

watching fishing

Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Dom watching some fishin

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Dungeness Season

latesummer 018
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
The season is upon us in less than 2 weeks. I have already taken the opening day off to go set and pull pots all day until limits are reached for the boat. We should have 4 guys going so we can get 20 big boys for this years feast in the backyard.

Monday, June 13, 2005

My Best Girl

Shawn entered the brave new world of blogs tonight.

Pink Floyd Returns For Live 8


All four British prog rockers who made up Pink Floyd are reuniting with their most famous line-up for the first time in 24 years at next month’s Live 8 London concert. Bassist Roger Waters has not performed with band members Dave Gilmour, Nick Mason, and Richard Wright since 1981.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

The Digging

These two Dirt Brothers can not say out of the dirt. I have had to scream at them several time not to dig of the paid for plants in the front yard.

We went out to squash with Drew, Em, and Fosise tonight at a local place. the bill for us all was 180 bucks, next time I will wait for the rice to swell in my belly prior to the second order of the little slices of heaven. Came back here and enjoyed a fire in the fireplace some brews.

Rained a bunch today, must be that tropical strom annette. Otherwise it is just normal Seattle June Gloom.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Fritz and Digger together for a weekend sleep over

Fritz and Digger
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
We have these two together for the weekend while Friz's owners are in Chicago. I would like to add that they went to the Cubs Sox game today and I expect a stupid shirt or something as a fee for putting up with the 5 hour long battle royales in the house and front yard when they are together. Enjoy the film because I just can't get enough of the fighting. Every night is fight night around here and it is pretty much free, no tickets needed for the main event.

Fast attack boat

Fast attack boat
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
This here is some fast navy boat we saw last weekend coming out of Whibey Island Naval base. The First Mate of the Victoria Clipper I that we were on was commenting on that it is bigger and faster than the best Clipper Cat in their fleet. It can go 60 MPH and is of the same hull design as the Clipper that we were on. The 1st Mate didn't say what the hell it was good for and I have know idea.


Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
This is Clete our master carpenter. This was from last weekend while he and his wife Katie were furously working on our windows. They did it. The ones that needed to be in for the heat are done. Now I can install the two 10,000 BTU air coolers for Shawn and the diggs. As an added bonus they look great!

Cubs vs. Sox

Look at some of the line up from the last time these two team met in the 1918 WS, note the starting pitcher. Yes this was one season from the onset of The Curse of the Babe.

1918 -- Boston Red Sox (4) vs. Chicago Cubs (2)

Game Date Winning Team Losing Team
1 Sep. 5 Boston (Ruth) 1 CHICAGO (Vaughn) 0
2 Sep. 6 CHICAGO (Tyler) 3 Boston (Bush) 1
3 Sep. 7 Boston (Mays) 2 CHICAGO (Vaughn) 1
4 Sep. 9 Boston (Ruth) 3 Chicago (Douglas) 2
5 Sep. 10 Chicago (Vaughn) 3 Boston (Jones) 0
6 Sep. 11 BOSTON (Mays) 2 Chicago (Tyler) 1

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Diggers Birthday Party is 10 days away

I am considering doing a podcast from the party that day so all of those who cannot attend can at least here some of the action and people as well as diggers friends that were at the party. Here is the evite that Shawn made for the party.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Back in Country

Thursday, June 02, 2005

victoria whalewatchers

victoria whalewatchers
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Why would you want to go whale watching in survival suits? These people are all heading to the same place we saw all those orcas last month. Scroll down the blog to see the entry and movie.

We we were coming home on our bus tour we saw these poor salts getting their brains slammed out on the chop home.

We are leaving tomorrow to get back to our Diggs and new windows.

English Dancers at BC house of parliament

After an early supper around 5 pm yesterday we stumbled upon a public show over at the house of parliament. Our hotel is right next door to this building and seems to be the hub for the city. It sounded like these dancers of all ages were on tour around the country, they were from Britain somewhere. I think it was English folk dancing. Pretty nice spectacle for a lovely evening. Here is a little film of some of the action.