Ben's First Red Sox Game (Mariner's Statium)
Most of my worries about bringing an 11 month old to the game was the possibility of heat yesterday. We were 18 rows from home plate. Nice seats we got for free. Parked on the south side in the tower, everything was super easy getting into the park. Once in checked the stroller at guest svcs. Once in our seats Ben was standing up and jumping in my lap, everything was great. And then, the Bo Sox left fielder dropped a long ball that enabled a run and the crowd erupted. Then Ben erupted in wails and tears. That is pretty much how it went from then on. We stayed in our seats until the end of the 6th then just strolled around, he was fine with that. Overall it was very worth it, we saw history. The first time the Mariners have swept the Sox in a series for 17 years. The pic to the side is inbetween outbursts, I would have filmed it but my hands were pretty full when he was screaming.