Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ben on the bucket swing

Ben on the bucket swing
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Here is a fast film of Ben on the bucket swing at the park today.

the Johnson twins - Grace and Max

Ben and the Johnson twins are having some fun during this quick flic.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

digger's butt

Last night I drempt that digger had earwigs living on his butt area. Not in his butt but in his hackles. He has been acting weird lately, sitting down abruptly on his butt and such. I don't think it is earwigs, that would be up near his head right? I have seen a lot of earwigs around lately in the yard. It is my most hated insect, and I am a insect advocate.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Willamette Sturgeon

Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
This Sturgeon was caught on the Willamette River just below Oregon City two weeks ago. It weighed out at over 1,000 lbs and measured out at 11'1". It was 56" around the girth and took over 6 and a half hours and 4 dozen beers for the 4 guys taking turns reeling. The big fella was over 100 years old and if the idiots didn't kill it from a 6 hour battle they are not supposed to keep a granddaddy this big or this size. Hopefully he is alive and well and back in the river spawning.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Kandahar or Helena

The view from the hot tub was sick. Every were you looked there was ordance cooking off. It was loud for several hours. I can't beleive this state doesn't burn down every year just from this holiday. Here is what it looked like.

DevilsTower from the Kim's Private Cessna

Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Our friends the Kims flew a Cessna 172 (I think) from Rochester MI down to Ogden UT for a family event in Eden. There are some great views from the aircraft on their picture site that are worth taking a look at. I would love to fly cross country sometime. I would ask Dave Kim to fly me but I am not sure if he would be able to handle my inane questions and banter the entire trip. "Dave, how much do you think that barn weights down there?, If you could time travel would you get there at night or day?" etc.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Jumper Jumping

Jumper Jumping
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Drew and Em loaned us a jumper chair for Ben to try out. He really took to it fast. I think adults would really dig this thing as well, here is the movie of a session.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Office 2007 Beta 2 from the Hot Tub overlooking Helena

It has been very nice weather out here for the past few days and is expected to continue for the rest of the stay. I am trying out the 2007 Office blogging features. I like the pictures styles to choose from, I am now wondering if these will prop on the site or not. It is starting to look like thunderstorms so I better get in the tub soon for safety sake, because as you know I always play it safe.