Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Summer is forcasted as OVER in Seattle.

Beating the heat
Originally uploaded by Spappy.joneS
But it is not over for sunny hot Montana. My Aunt-in-Law Em sent out these photos of a Moose in Lincoln, MT trying to beat the heat by hopping in a kiddie pool. The pool manufacture should now put on the pool packaging good for kids and Moose on hot summer days.

Apparently our weather in Seattle is going to remain cloudy and cool for the next few weeks.

Look for more of the same, Seattle meteorologist says
By Christina Siderius
Seattle Times staff reporter

Waking to gray clouds, rain sprinkles or both has become the norm in the Seattle area over the past few weeks, and forecasters say it isn't likely to change anytime soon.

"Let's just say the next two weeks don't look promising at all," said Carl Cerniglia, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Seattle.

Cerniglia said the next 10 to 14 days will be much like the past two weeks: gray skies, raindrops, with a decently nice day popping up here and there.

Since June 1 of this year, forecasters have recorded 2.84 inches of rainfall in the Seattle area, and only three days in July and one day in August were warmer than 85 degrees.

Last year, 1.5 inches of rain fell in the first four days of June, and less than .25 inches fell for the remainder of the summer in Seattle, said Cerniglia. There were 13 days where weather topped 85 degrees last year, and several days in the 90s.

"Overall, last summer was much warmer, much sunnier and a good deal drier," he said.

It's uncertain whether there will be another occasion to bust out the water wings and swimsuits before summer ends in Seattle, but Cerniglia offers his advice: "Just don't buy any new ones."


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