Monday, August 27, 2007

Lainey Laughs - the movie

Happy Girl

It was the first time last night. I was changing her and decided to tickle her belly and sure enough she chuckled just like Ben. Both Shawn and I immediately looked at each other for a "did you hear that?" verification.

We have been up off and on all night with her. The full moon is the culprit I think.

My isp (its free) as of late has not been giving me my monies worth. The ftp server where I place my little movies for streaming has not been active and all the old movie links are dead.

So I tried to figure what the heck I was going to do? My first thought was that I needed a new hosting service for my domains (inactive websites) and their email aka which is where all my private email goes to including shawn's and nate's and a few other people.

To move all that it would cost me $60 a year on godaddy - a hosting company. Then is occurred to me I don't really need hosting just a place to dump my video files sort of exactly what youtube does for free. duh. Our friend Jill already does this with her blog just embeds the address to the youtube place where the files lives after you upload it to them. So that would work perfectly, I will do that and just leave my email and the domains as it on my free isp.

Then I remember that I work for Microsoft and that youtube is owned now by google as is blogger the site this blog is on. I thought that Microsoft had something like youtube but I couldn't remember what it was. I did a google search for Microsoft movie streaming and wha-Lah - SoapBox. Soapbox is where I am going to dump my movies now.

Video: The Chuckler II


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