Tuesday, May 15, 2007

One Day Heat Wave

My best bud Big Ben
Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS.
Great times today. Last night only went until about 3 am. Lainey slept very well from about 10 - 1 something then wanted some milk. We just missed the Barb and Tom leaving. They got up about 3:30am to make it back to Helena MT to TCB (Take care of business) - they made it with time to spare. I think we were all up by about 6 except Ben, he slept in until 7:15 . Sleep is wasted on the youth.

Today was the first day we flew solo with out external experts in since our big day on the 9th when Lainey got out. Barb and Tom were awesome to have here as always but particularly the past week.

We had a mini heat wave for May today. The thermo hit 87 in the shade out in our yard. After Big Ben's morning nap he and I headed on up to Woodland Park Zoo to the rose garden, that isn't even close to blooming but it has cool fountains and good gravel and grass for Ben to walk his stroller. We were going to go into the zoo but though it could wait until tomorrow afternoon when it is a bit cooler. The infernal heat has already broke. The temp dropped tonight 30 degrees in about 3 hours, quite dynamic for the PacNW. We usually do about 20 degrees over a 24 hour period. Must be some kind of record for a free fall on May 15 - the ides of May.

Don't give your kids milkshakes that are laced with espresso. After the zoo's garden Ben and I went to Tully's to slake our thirst and get a nap in a cup. A vente espresso shake, I was going to get a yerba mate shake but remembered my last expresso shake and thought a ditto was in order. So there I was sitting on a kiddie table in my Tom Sellic aloha shirt and ray ban aviators with 500 calories with 3 shots in my hand. Not thinking about the 3 shots I shared the shake with my best bud Ben. He loves items in my strict diet.

Now if I was smart I would have realized that giving a 20 month year old some of my nap in a cup was not recommended by Dr. Spock or Dr Ruth. Well I paid for it tonight. Ben is my responsibility for the most part minus feeding him, so when I put him down tonight after he laid his head on a broom in the living room I thought he was ready to sleep. Well how wrong could I be. It took 90 minutes and countless trips into his room to settle him down. The heat didn't help matters it was 77 degrees in his room nor did the Alaskan yard party up the street nor did Joe the dumb ass ice cream truck that blares a 30 second loop of bad carnival music at a "the Who" concert level all that on top of the biggest hit of caffeine he has ever had.

I think it is time for me to hit the hay, I think that I am finally getting tired. My nap was cut short by the sun creeping in to our curtain less bedroom this afternoon after the shake. When I woke up I felt like I passed out in a parking lot in Memphis in July. I can hear Shawn upstairs with Elaine so that is really it for the day......