Dreaming about Milk River (five days old)
Nocturnal babies can't help being awake at night. If you think about it they are rocked all day long as the mother takes care of business. In Shawn's case it was working right up to the week Laine and Ben were born. All day they are getting jostled around in their nice 98 degree hot tub and lulled into their sleep cycles. Then night falls the breeder goes to sleep all the night ebb and flow stops and wah lah they are awake, kicking and punching and wanting some stimulus. It takes a little while for them to get on the cycles us non-fish are accustom to .
My suggestion to expecting mothers if they would like to avoid the dreaded 3rd shift (night shift) is to quit work early like in the 16th week and start cleaning your house, driving around, doing the shopping, cooking for your fat ass husband all night long and then sleep all day. Then when the blessed event comes you are the one having to switch and not the newly arrived land mammal. This would really make it a lot easier on the husbands and we like our night time sleep cycle. I suppose another option is for the husband start working 3rd shift at a bakery or the dump perhaps the port of seattle and then come home and sleep while the little one is sleeping - in the daylight. Although that will only be a temporary fix because soon the little water creature will switch to the life of the upright in a mere month or two.
Lainey had her first Dr appointment on the outside today. When she left the hospital on Friday she weighted 8 lb 13 oz, today she is back to 9.05 lb. That is very good and explains our hungry little girl. That is like me going to Vienna for a week with Fosie and gaining 10 lb on drinking beer all night and sleeping all day but that is another story.
Big brother Ben has been really heart wrenching when Laine is crying . He will get tears welling up in his eyes and look like he is really sad walk over to where Laine is being held and lean his head on the chair. I kills me it is so sweet. Things should be quieting down around here in about a 1/2 hour so I should get ready for bed.
Wow, I don't miss those nights of no sleep. I hope things improve soon. Love that Ben is being so sweet, he will be an awesome big brother. His world just got turned upside down!
Thinking about you all the time! jill
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