Friday, July 06, 2007

A cool summer morning in Wallingford (a movie)

Food Scrub
Originally uploaded by Spappy_joneS
Yesterday we had a visit from one of the PEP's mothers (Clarissa). She brought over some herbs for Laine to see if they may help her through the cyclical bouts of colic. So far so good, little Lainey slept well last night.

The cold that ripped into every but me last week may be taking hold on my nose and throat. I am going to mega dose the airborne to try to squash it early. I need to do some siding work on the house today before the painters start next week.

Ben goes to school today and is watching curious george with this breakies.

There is some backlog of short flix that I had on the handicam that are now almost all produced and ready for public consumption. There are about 4 in all and this is the start of them. It is a little montage from June when Grandma Babs was out solo. The mornings were down in the high 40's and it was appropriate to have a fire for heat.

A Cool Summer Morning in Wallingford (4.8 MB .wmv)


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