My blogging frequency has really waned, but that is what it is. So I may just switch to quarterly blogs. I can handle that. Also once the spring really hits I may have more stuff for blogging. Speaking of spring, I need to mow the lawn, I am just waiting for it to dry up enough to get the job done right. Here are some random vids of the kids hanging out in the house of course which is what you do in the winter around these Northlands. There are also a few pics of the kids on the flickr site.
This spring in May we are going to St. Kitts in the West Indies for 7 nights. We were looking for a place to take a short vacation and things just kind of escalated to the point of traveling 1/4 of the globe, for a week and via first class. It was a anniversary gift. The package was picked up at a non-profit auction banquet for the recently. It was a bit of a surprise for both of us. One set of the Grandparents (Barb and Tom) have agreed to come out here to watch the little ones. We plan to off load them a lot by calling in favors to all our friends so we can get the Montanans out on the town and to the ballpark.
Winter 2008 Part 1
Winter 2008 Part 2
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