Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ben late night mid-melt down

Ben late night mid-melt down
Originally uploaded by spappyjones.
Yep here is me and the boy walking back and forth, forth and back for hours to keep him quiet so that Shawn can sleep a bit. This was taken by me around 3am or so, can't really remember due to 2-4 hours of sleep for the last 4 nights. He gets plugged full of milk before bed, then the pain begins, his pain. Gas? Lack of burp? We have yet to figure it out but we will. He is too damn cute to see that uncomfortable. He seems to like a blow dryer on high but the breaker will trip after a few minutes. He likes it when I do windmills with him in his car seat but my shoulder dislocates after 25 minutes of that activity.

i think I am going to invent a device that will swing and rock him perpetually, that is about all that will calm him down. When he gets like this he is not allowed near shawns boob. No male gets the goods unless he is calm and caring like his mother. Anyhoo he is plugged full of milk in any case. Must be gas. He doesn't do it during the day? Digger won't even sleep in our room anymore. Terrier's have no time for this noise.


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